32 Beautiful and Creative ads
1&2. The Best Things Start in Garages (Indianapolis 500, ft. Van Halen & Steve Jobs)
3. Cigarettes. Just looking at them makes you sick (Hospital A.C. Camargo)
4. Routine sucks (Terra Travel)
5. Join the Forces of Darkness and save the Planet (WWF Earth Hour)
6. Get Them Off Your Dog (Frontline, Flea & Tick Spray)
7. Your Contribution Can End Child Labour (Social Ad)
8. For frequent use (3M Earplugs 1271, Calendar)
9. We Protect Your Cattle From Almost Everything. The Strongest Barbed Wire There Is (Ideal Alambrec, Bekaert)
10. Nothing Gets to You Like a Letter
11. Joints: Does It Matter How You Achieve Your Spiritual High?
12. Germany’s Biggest Kebab
13. Don’t Miss Your Target
14. Victoria Bug Zoo
15. Polo Match: An endless List of Equipment
16. Stranger Radio Station
17. How Long Can You Stay On?
18. Bad Food, Bad Dog
19.Thumbs Up20. Find More Easily
21. Extreme Hot n spicy
22. I Send You Something Very Personal – My Finger
23. Eye Boner
24. Unlimited Incoming Calls
25. You Can’t Afford to be Slow in an Emergency – Act Now for the Planet
26. Frisbee
27. Don’t Let Wood Get Old
28. Super Absorbent Kitchen Towels
29. Become the King of Bluff. Live Poker Magazine
30. When You Use a Mobile While you Drive, Your Head is Somewhere Else
31. You can lose more than your patience
32. New Deep Breathtaking Fragrance Detergent (Attack)
read more "32 Beautiful and Creative ads"
3. Cigarettes. Just looking at them makes you sick (Hospital A.C. Camargo)
4. Routine sucks (Terra Travel)
5. Join the Forces of Darkness and save the Planet (WWF Earth Hour)
6. Get Them Off Your Dog (Frontline, Flea & Tick Spray)
7. Your Contribution Can End Child Labour (Social Ad)
8. For frequent use (3M Earplugs 1271, Calendar)
9. We Protect Your Cattle From Almost Everything. The Strongest Barbed Wire There Is (Ideal Alambrec, Bekaert)
10. Nothing Gets to You Like a Letter
11. Joints: Does It Matter How You Achieve Your Spiritual High?
12. Germany’s Biggest Kebab
13. Don’t Miss Your Target
14. Victoria Bug Zoo
15. Polo Match: An endless List of Equipment
16. Stranger Radio Station
17. How Long Can You Stay On?
18. Bad Food, Bad Dog
19.Thumbs Up20. Find More Easily
21. Extreme Hot n spicy
22. I Send You Something Very Personal – My Finger
23. Eye Boner
24. Unlimited Incoming Calls
25. You Can’t Afford to be Slow in an Emergency – Act Now for the Planet
26. Frisbee
27. Don’t Let Wood Get Old
28. Super Absorbent Kitchen Towels
29. Become the King of Bluff. Live Poker Magazine
30. When You Use a Mobile While you Drive, Your Head is Somewhere Else
31. You can lose more than your patience
32. New Deep Breathtaking Fragrance Detergent (Attack)